Measurement setup for differential spectral responsivity of solar cells

Published in Optical Review, 2020

Recommended citation: Kärhä, P., Baumgartner, H., Askola, J. et al. Measurement setup for differential spectral responsivity of solar cells. Opt Rev 27, 195–204 (2020).


We have developed a setup for measuring differential spectral responsivities of unifacial and bifacial solar cells under bias light conditions. The setup uses 30 high-brightness LEDs for generating a quasi-monochromatic light source covering the wavelength range 290–1300 nm. Halogen lamps are used to generate bias-lighting conditions up to the irradiance level of 1000 W/m2. The setup has been fully characterized for spectral irradiances and spatial uniformities of all light sources. Validation measurements carried out using a reference cell of 2 × 2 cm2 area from Fraunhofer ISE demonstrated an agreement better than 2% over the wavelength range of 425–940 nm, with an expanded uncertainty of 2.6%. In the UV and IR regions, the discrepancies are higher but still within estimated uncertainties. The setup is also tested in measuring spectral responsivities of large 15 × 15 cm2 bifacial solar cells. The associated problems are discussed.


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