Talks and Presentations

SplitVAEs: Decentralized scenario generation from siloed data for stochastic optimization problems

May 18, 2024

Student Paper Competition, 2024 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference & Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Stochastic optimization problems in large-scale multi-stakeholder networked systems (e.g., power grids and supply chains) rely on data-driven scenarios to encapsulate uncertainties and complex spatiotemporal interdependencies. However, centralized aggregation of stakeholder data is challenging due to privacy, computational, and logistical bottlenecks. In this paper, we present SplitVAEs, a decentralized scenario generation framework that leverages the split learning paradigm and variational autoencoders to generate high-quality scenarios without moving stakeholder data. With the help of large-scale, distributed memory-based experiments, we demonstrate the broad applicability of SplitVAEs in three distinct domain areas: power systems, industrial carbon emissions, and supply chains. Our experiments indicate that SplitVAEs can learn spatial and temporal interdependencies in large-scale networks to generate scenarios that match the joint historical distribution of stakeholder data in a decentralized manner. Our results show that SplitVAEs outperform conventional state-of-the-art methodologies and provide a superior, computationally efficient, and privacy-compliant alternative to scenario generation.

Deep Learning Models for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Photovoltaic Modules Manufacture

June 06, 2023

Conference Talk, 2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI), Santa Clara, CA, USA

The usage of photovoltaic (PV) systems has experienced exponential growth. This growth, however, places gargantuan pressure on the solar energy industry’s manufacturing sector and subsequently begets issues associated with the quality of PV systems, especially the PV module. Currently, fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) are challenging due to many factors including but not limited to requirements of sophisticated measurement instruments and experts. Recent advances in deep learning (DL) have proven its feasibility in image classification and object detection. Thus, DL can be extended to visual fault detection using data generated by electroluminescence (EL) imaging instruments. Here, the authors propose an in-depth approach to exploratory data analysis of EL data and several techniques based on supervised learning to detect and diagnose visual faults and defects presented in a module.